Espresso maker
It has an Italian pump
Pump pressure 20 bar
1100 watts
Preparation of espresso / cafe latte / cappuccino
Has a pump pressure indicator
It has a steam nozzle and adjusts the steam pressure
With single and double scope filter
Ability to use coffee powder
Farmox Fx2320 espresso machine is one of the quality models of this company
Among the features of this product is having a powerful Italian motor with a pressure of 20 bar and a capacity of 1100 watts, which has made the output coffee have a crema with excellent concentration. It also has extremely strong steam output. It is equipped with a steam adjustment screw that allows the preparation of milk foam with different concentrations by adjusting the output steam. Among the features of this device is having a temperature hand indicator, which both gives the device a special beauty and makes it easier for the user to work with the device. Farmox Fx2320 espresso machine has two single-scope and two-scope filters and is designed and built in a way that delivers creamy and thick espresso coffee with full extraction. Farmox Fx2320 espresso machine is suitable for home use, workplace, supermarkets, small coffee shops and similar places. In order to have aromatic and pure espresso coffee, be sure to use purified water that does not contain additional salts, because over time, the salts will clog the pores of the machine. It has a significant effect on the quality of coffee and steam output. Items included with this device are single scoop and double scoop filter, tamper, head group handle, and manual. To have high-quality and creamy espresso coffee, be sure to use medium-ground coffee.